Common Questions
  • Health plan contracts|
  • Pharma services|
  • Patient services|
  • Insurance support|
  • Limited distribution|
  • Conditions|
  • Exclusive distribution|
  • Forms|
  • Price list
Health plan contracts

Which health plans does Lifespan Pharmacy have contracts with?

Lifespan Pharmacy works closely with the following health plans:BCBSRI, Tufts Health Plan.
Pharma services

Does Lifespan Pharmacy work closely with Aimovig and Amgen Inc?

Yes, Lifespan Pharmacy does work with Aimovig and offers some of the services below: Clinical Trials, Extensive access to hard-to-find and limited distribution specialty medications.
Patient services

Does Lifespan Pharmacy offer services for Aimovig patients?

Indeed, Lifespan Pharmacy offers the following services for Aimovig patients:Refills and delivery, Counseling and education, Pharmacist avalable 24x7x365, Services integrated into LifeChart, Personalized teaching visits.
Insurance support

How does Lifespan Pharmacy help with insurance?

Lifespan Pharmacy can help with insurance in the following ways:Pro-active patient outreach to ensure uninterrupted therapy; therapy compliance; and side effect minimization; Program staff embedded within majority of Lifespan specialty clinics and participating directly in improving patient care; Improving access to care through integrated financial assistance and prior authorization assistance expertise.