Common Questions
  • Health plan contracts|
  • Pharma services|
  • Patient services|
  • Insurance support|
  • Limited distribution|
  • Conditions|
  • Exclusive distribution|
  • Forms|
  • Price list
Health plan contracts

Which health plans does Cape Cod Healthcare Specialty Pharmacy have contracts with?

Cape Cod Healthcare Specialty Pharmacy works closely with the following health plans:Harvard Pilgrim Health Care.
Pharma services

Does Cape Cod Healthcare Specialty Pharmacy work closely with and ?

Yes, Cape Cod Healthcare Specialty Pharmacy does work with and offers some of the services below: Dispensing a wide variety of specialty medications and limited distribution medications as therapy for many chronic and rare conditions.
Patient services

Does Cape Cod Healthcare Specialty Pharmacy offer services for patients?

Indeed, Cape Cod Healthcare Specialty Pharmacy offers the following services for patients:Counseling and education, Insurance navigation, Delivery and refill reminders, Co-pay assistance program, Teaching patients about proper medication administration and adherence.
Insurance support

How does Cape Cod Healthcare Specialty Pharmacy help with insurance?

Cape Cod Healthcare Specialty Pharmacy can help with insurance in the following ways:Navigating insurance billing and claims monitoring to obtain prior authorizations to get medications covered; Developing patient-specific care plans and proactively following-up with our patients to see how their treatment is going and to offer support.