Common Questions
  • Limited distribution|
  • Pharma services|
  • Patient services|
  • Conditions|
  • Insurance support|
  • Health plan contracts|
  • Exclusive distribution|
  • Forms|
  • Price list
Limited distribution drugs

Does Siliq have a limited distribution partnership with Franciscan Outpatient Pharmacy Indianapolis?

Yes, Franciscan Outpatient Pharmacy Indianapolis has a limited distribution relationship with Siliq. They also support the following drugs:Siliq.
Pharma services

Does Franciscan Outpatient Pharmacy Indianapolis work closely with Siliq and Bausch Health US LLC?

Yes, Franciscan Outpatient Pharmacy Indianapolis does work with Siliq and offers some of the services below: Custom reporting and REMS support, Clinical trial access.
Patient services

Does Franciscan Outpatient Pharmacy Indianapolis offer services for Siliq patients?

Indeed, Franciscan Outpatient Pharmacy Indianapolis offers the following services for Siliq patients:Counseling and education, Medication refills, Discounted co-pays for Franciscan Health employees.

What conditions does Franciscan Outpatient Pharmacy Indianapolis support?

Franciscan Outpatient Pharmacy Indianapolis supports the following conditions:Psoriasis.
Insurance support

How does Franciscan Outpatient Pharmacy Indianapolis help with insurance?

Franciscan Outpatient Pharmacy Indianapolis can help with insurance in the following ways:Electronic prescribing from the provider directly to the pharmacy.