Octagam 10%(immunoglobulin G, human)
octagam 10 % in 100 ML Injection

Dosage & Administration

Dosage & Administration

For intravenous use only.

IndicationDoseInitial Infusion rateMaintenance Infusion Rate (if tolerated)
Chronic ITP2 g/kg divided in equal doses given over 2 consecutive days1.0 mg/kg/min(0.01 mL/kg/min)Up to 12.0 mg/kg/min(Up to 0.12 mL/kg/min)
Dermato-myositis2 g/kg divided in equal doses given over 2-5 consecutive days every 4 weeks1.0 mg/kg/min(0.01 mL/kg/min)Up to 4.0 mg/kg/min(Up to 0.04 mL/kg/min)

Patients with dermatomyositis are at increased risk for thromboembolic Events; monitor carefully and do not exceed an infusion rate of 0.04 ml/kg/min.

Ensure that patients with pre-existing renal insufficiency are not volume depleted; discontinue Octagam 10% if renal function deteriorates .

For patients at risk of renal dysfunction or thrombotic events, administer Octagam 10% at the minimum infusion rate practicable .

drug label

Octagam 10% Prescribing Information

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Octagam 10% FAQs

How is the dosage of Octagam 10%?Octagam is available in 5 dosages, including 100 mg/ml Injection 100 ml, 100 mg/ml Injection 20 ml, 100 mg/ml Injection 200 ml, 100 mg/ml Injection 300 ml and 100 mg/ml Injection 50 ml
What does Octagam 10% treat?Octagam treats Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes
What is Octagam 10% made of?Octagam contains immunoglobulin G which is a Human Immunoglobulin G
How Is Octagam 10% Administered?Octagam is administered as a Injectable
What Are The Octagam 10% Mechanism Of Action?Octagam mechanism of action is Antigen Neutralization
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