
(ivacaftor / lumacaftor)

Dosage & Administration

Age GroupWeightDoseAdministration
1 through 2 years7 kg to < 9 kg1 packet of lumacaftor 75 mg/ivacaftor 94 mg granulesMixed with one teaspoon (5 mL) of soft food or liquid and administered orally every 12 hours with fat-containing food
9 kg to < 14 kg1 packet of lumacaftor 100 mg/ivacaftor 125 mg granules
≥14 kg1 packet of lumacaftor 150 mg/ivacaftor 188 mg granules
2 through 5 years<14 kg1 packet of lumacaftor 100 mg/ivacaftor 125 mg granules
≥14 kg1 packet of lumacaftor 150 mg/ivacaftor 188 mg granules
6 through 11 years-2 tablets of lumacaftor 100 mg/ivacaftor 125 mg
(lumacaftor 200 mg/ivacaftor 250 mg per dose)
Taken orally every 12 hours with fat-containing food
12 years and older-2 tablets of lumacaftor 200 mg/ivacaftor 125 mg
(lumacaftor 400 mg/ivacaftor 250 mg per dose)

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