Common Questions
  • Pharma services|
  • Patient services|
  • Insurance support|
  • Limited distribution|
  • Health plan contracts|
  • Conditions|
  • Exclusive distribution|
  • Forms|
  • Price list
Pharma services

Does Life Specialty Solutions work closely with and ?

Yes, Life Specialty Solutions does work with and offers some of the services below: Work with payors and pharmaceutical manufacturers so patients can access the treatments they require, Proprietary pharmacy software platform that connects seamlessly and securely with leading pharmacy management systems.
Patient services

Does Life Specialty Solutions offer services for patients?

Indeed, Life Specialty Solutions offers the following services for patients:Counseling and education, Infusion suites.
Insurance support

How does Life Specialty Solutions help with insurance?

Life Specialty Solutions can help with insurance in the following ways:Answer questions; explain how medication works; and talk through any risks; potential side effects and desired outcomes.