Common Questions
  • Health plan contracts|
  • Pharma services|
  • Patient services|
  • Insurance support|
  • Limited distribution|
  • Conditions|
  • Exclusive distribution|
  • Forms|
  • Price list
Health plan contracts

Which health plans does Providence Cancer Institute Franz Clinic have contracts with?

Providence Cancer Institute Franz Clinic works closely with the following health plans:Providence Health Plan.
Pharma services

Does Providence Cancer Institute Franz Clinic work closely with and ?

Yes, Providence Cancer Institute Franz Clinic does work with and offers some of the services below: Clinical trial access.
Patient services

Does Providence Cancer Institute Franz Clinic offer services for patients?

Indeed, Providence Cancer Institute Franz Clinic offers the following services for patients:Oncology-certified nurses educate patients on their disease process and treatment plan, Schedulers coordinate your appointments for return visits with our providers, infusion treatments, radiology, radiation oncology, physical therapy and other services, Oncology certified social workers support your psychosocial needs and provide resources and support for your emotional and practical needs.
Insurance support

How does Providence Cancer Institute Franz Clinic help with insurance?

Providence Cancer Institute Franz Clinic can help with insurance in the following ways:Financial coordinators will help with insurance referrals; authorizations and financial assistance.