Common Questions
  • Pharma services|
  • Patient services|
  • Conditions|
  • Insurance support|
  • Limited distribution|
  • Health plan contracts|
  • Exclusive distribution|
  • Forms|
  • Price list
Pharma services

Does Todt Hill Specialty Pharmacy work closely with Rinvoq and AbbVie Inc.?

Yes, Todt Hill Specialty Pharmacy does work with Rinvoq and offers some of the services below: Help navigate compliance and regulation, Provide data on the adherence and success of specialty pharmaceuticals.
Patient services

Does Todt Hill Specialty Pharmacy offer services for Rinvoq patients?

Indeed, Todt Hill Specialty Pharmacy offers the following services for Rinvoq patients:Counseling and education, Delivery, Refill program, Support & Financial Assistance Programs Enrollment.

What conditions does Todt Hill Specialty Pharmacy support?

Todt Hill Specialty Pharmacy supports the following conditions:Arthritis, Rheumatoid.
Insurance support

How does Todt Hill Specialty Pharmacy help with insurance?

Todt Hill Specialty Pharmacy can help with insurance in the following ways:Help with recertification process by working with Payors and Prescribers; Prior authorization support; Compliance Education.