Common Questions
  • Pharma services|
  • Patient services|
  • Conditions|
  • Insurance support|
  • Limited distribution|
  • Health plan contracts|
  • Exclusive distribution|
  • Forms|
  • Price list
Pharma services

Does Meijer Specialty Pharmacy (Rx Biotech Pharmacy) work closely with Siliq and Bausch Health US LLC?

Yes, Meijer Specialty Pharmacy (Rx Biotech Pharmacy) does work with Siliq and offers some of the services below: Custom-packed pill boxes, Adherence intervention, Compliance programs, Inventory management, Patient-specific performance and recommendation reports are collected and reviewed. Also, interventions for at-risk, non-adherent patients are held to help mitigate the risk of non-adherent patients. Trigger reports are sent to case managers and prescribers to be reviewed. REMS support.
Patient services

Does Meijer Specialty Pharmacy (Rx Biotech Pharmacy) offer services for Siliq patients?

Indeed, Meijer Specialty Pharmacy (Rx Biotech Pharmacy) offers the following services for Siliq patients:Referral and Enrollment, Benefits and Reimbursement support, Counseling and education, Help patients' doctors submit required paperwork accurately the first time, Help access third party financial assistance programs.

What conditions does Meijer Specialty Pharmacy (Rx Biotech Pharmacy) support?

Meijer Specialty Pharmacy (Rx Biotech Pharmacy) supports the following conditions:Psoriasis.
Insurance support

How does Meijer Specialty Pharmacy (Rx Biotech Pharmacy) help with insurance?

Meijer Specialty Pharmacy (Rx Biotech Pharmacy) can help with insurance in the following ways:Each payor client is assigned to a Client Account Manager as their single point of contact; Split-fill and formulary management programs; Team of nurses is specifically dedicated to prior authorizations and appeals; Health outcomes reporting; adherence data and patient surveys.