WinRho SDF(Rho(D) immune globulin, human)
WinRho 15,000 UNT in 13 ML Injection

Dosage & Administration

IU, International Units; mcg, micrograms

ITP (IV administration only)
Dose IUDose mcgRate of Administration
250 IU kg body weight50 mcg/kg body weightSingle injection over 3 to 5 minutes
Suppression of Rh Isoimmunization (IV or IM administration only)
IndicationTiming Dose (IV or IM)Dose (IV or IM)
Pregnancy and other obstetric conditionsIU (international units)mcg (micrograms)
Routine antepartum prophylaxis28-weeks
1,500 IU300 mcg
Postpartum prophylaxis Within 72 hours of delivery600 IU120 mcg
Threatened abortion Immediately1,500 IU300 mcg
Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling before 34-weeks gestationImmediately after procedure1,500 IU300 mcg
Abortion, amniocentesis, or other manipulation after 34-weeks gestationWithin 72 hours600 IU120 mcg
Incompatible transfusions or massive fetal hemorrhageWithin 72 hours of exposureIV administration of 90 IU   per 1 mL transfused RBC or per 2 mL transfused whole blood  IV administration of 18 mcg per 1 mL transfused RBC or per 2 mL transfused whole blood

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How is the dosage of WinRho SDF?
What does WinRho SDF treat?
What is WinRho SDF made of?
How Is WinRho SDF Administered?
What Are The WinRho SDF Mechanism Of Action?
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