

Dosage & Administration

Initial Dosage: CKD Stages 3 and 4 
Adult: Baseline iPTH ≤ 500 pg/mL1 mcg orally daily or 2 mcg three times a week*
Adult: Baseline iPTH > 500 pg/mL 2 mcg orally daily or 4 mcg three times a week*
Pediatric: Ages 10 to 16 years1 mcg orally three times a week*
Dose Titration: CKD Stages 3 and 4 
Adult: iPTH same, increased or decreased by < 30% relative to baseline Increase dose by 1 mcg daily or 2 mcg three times a week*
Adult: iPTH decreased by ≥ 30% and ≤ 60% relative to baseline Maintain dose
Adult: iPTH decreased by > 60% or iPTH < 60 pg/mL relative to baseline Decrease dose by 1 mcg daily or 2 mcg three times a week*
Pediatric: Ages 10 to 16 yearsIncrease each dose by 1 mcg three times a week every 4 weeks or decrease each dose by 1 mcg three times a week at any time based on iPTH, serum calcium and phosphorus levels.*
* Not more frequently than every other day when dosing three times a week.
Initial Dosage: CKD Stage 5 
Adult Dose (micrograms) = baseline iPTH (pg/mL) divided by 80. Administer dose orally three times a week.*
Pediatric: Ages 10 to 16 yearsDose (micrograms) = baseline iPTH (pg/mL) divided by 120. Administer dose orally three times a week.*
Dose Titration: CKD Stage 5 
Adult Dose in micrograms is based on most recent iPTH (pg/mL) divided by 80 with adjustments based on serum calcium and phosphorous levels. Dose three times a week.*
Pediatric: Ages 10 to 16 years Increase each dose by 1 mcg three times a week every 4 weeks or decrease each dose by 2 mcg three times a week at any time based on iPTH, serum calcium and phosphorus levels.*
* Not more frequently than every other day.

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